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Strategic Energy Alliance is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy.

SERC Request for Proposals

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Past Request for Proposals

In July 2020, SERC invited proposals from Stanford faculty performing new research in energy in the following areas:

Theme 1.  Energy Science and Technologies

  • Renewable, sustainable and carbon-neutral/negative energy technologies
  • Greenhouse gas management strategies that have the potential to be scalable cost-effectively to Gigaton levels of CO2-equivalent reductions and that may include nature-based solutions not directly related to energy
  • Resilience; efficiency; safety; and affordability of energy systems and devices
  • Life cycle and energy systems analysis; Computational modeling to understand complexity; Improved and integrated assessment models.

Theme 2.  Energy Finance, Human Behavior, and Policy

  • Finance/investment/policy to enable low carbon/zero carbon/renewable technologies
  • Market and regulatory policy design and implementation strategies
  • Behavior/human factors in the use of energy

25 research proposals were submitted and reviewed by internal and external panels. Six efforts were selected to share in the $5.1M in total funding. For more details, please read this article about the awards.